Monday, January 15, 2007

Ho ho ho

Originally uploaded by Yuek Hahn.
We had a chance to play Santa Claus a bit before Christmas. We tagged along on another trip to the school at Nanxin. There we delivered to all the kids some hard boiled eggs, cookies and little gift packages including stocking hats and toothbrushes. Before that we gathered the kids outside and sang some Christmas carols. The big finale was when we taught them the chorus of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas". Funny thing was, our song leader used the same technique that our Chinese teacher uses when teaching us sentences: We say each word individually, then start joining words together until we make the entire sentence. Hopefully the kids learned the song better than I've been learning puotonghua. (Oh, and you see that basket of eggs in the picture? I had to hold that thing on my lap all the way up the winding, bumpy road. All together I had about a dozen eggs roll out of the basket. Thankfully I caught all but two of them.)