Saturday, July 30, 2005


I swear, my house is in the Twilight Zone or something. It's growing. Weeks, er, months ago, I measured the upstairs rooms, to calculate the amount of paint I'd need to paint everything. My calculations indicated that a gallon of paint should cover a room. The first room I painted was indeed amply covered by a single gallon with paint to spare. When we did the second room, I thought we were going to run out, but we didn't. For the third, I skipped the closet, and we were fine. But I had to skip the closet. You see where this is going, don't you? Today, we started painting the girls' room and had to break out the leftover paint from the other rooms. (Yes, we're painting everything the same boring color. We don't have time for creativity and variety.) This should not be. My calculations said that we had enough paint. I didn't spill that much paint....