Sunday, February 26, 2006

A long time ago...

We relaxed and watched a movie yesterday, giving the kids their first taste of Star Wars. This may seem puzzling to those who know of my affinity for science fiction. Why haven't I've shown it to them before now? The short answer is that they take after their mother and have shown little interest in comics and none in science fiction. (Now Buster Keaton movies are another story....) Anyway, the movie was a hit, of course, and Ga Dai expressed her interest by heading over to the Internet Movie Database to read all the trivia and goofs entries. (She also had to make a blog entry about it.)

As for Yau Neih and I, I don't think either of us have seen the film in 20 years. Yau Neih thought the movie held up pretty well. What most caught her attention was how archetypical the main characters were. (Nice to see that all those post-graduate courses didn't go to waste.) As for me, I enjoyed the film, too. I was a bit surprised that the old special effects didn't look too bad. (Of course, I used to watch Dr. Who and Blake's 7 without flinching.) What did surprise me was how little I liked the writing and acting. Either I've gotten too critical in my old age or fading memory had recalled the film as being better written than it was. Most of the characters came off as rather two-dimensional. Mark Hamill was particularly annoying as I felt he played the whining farm-boy a bit too broadly.

Oh, well. It was fun couple of hours and a delight to hear the kids chatter on about the film afterwards. The only drawback is that I now have to wait until we're in the States to show them the best of the subsequent Wars films...