Saturday, March 18, 2006

Things that go blorr-oop in the night

If you've ever traveled overseas, or maybe read about traveling overseas, you know that one of the mantras is, "Don't drink the water." Of course, I use the phrase "travel overseas" figuartively. This holds true if you travel overland, too. Wherever and however you travel, don't drink the water. Don't even think about drinking the water. In fact, it might be best if you can avoid even looking at the water. This refers, of course, to water from the tap or any other source that hasn't been professionally packaged with a nice label. So, for those of us who are overseas, if we get thirsty, we get professionally packaged, nicely labeled water. In our case, we buy a nice five gallon jug that sits atop a handy-dandy water dispenser complete with a water heater that we were told to turn off when we went to bed. (They never told us to turn it on, so now we just have room temperature water.) We usually buy about one jug a week, and in fact, they just brought a new jug in the other day. Therein lies the tale....

The way our water dispenser works is that the jug sits upside down and when you open the tap, the water runs out of the spout. Since nature abhors a vacuum, the water is replaced by air, which has to sneak up past the water to get to the top bunk of the jug. The air must find this annoying, because it always makes a big "Blorr-OOP!" sound when it heads up to the top. Or at least it used to. With this latest water jug, rather than heading to the top en masse, the air slowly travels in a bunch of smaller bubbles. The classic "Blorr-OOP!" has been replaced by a sound that sounds vaguely gastronomic. Now we have to wonder if they've redesigned the jugs or if we've just received one that is possessed. This has the potential to be very distressing.

And, yes, it has been a slow week. Why do you ask?