Sunday, March 05, 2006

Happy days are here again

Life has returned to "normal" with a vengeance! On Monday of last week the trickle of returning students became a steady stream and the cafeteria reopened for business. On Tuesday afternoon, Yau Neih received her class schedule for the term. She immediately conferred with Joan and Michael to readjust it. (Thad definitely spoils his foreign teachers.) She then spent the rest of the day preparing for classes. Her first class was at 8:00 am on Wednesday morning. But while these are all joyous events, the true highlight of the week came Thursday morning. The Pancake Lady returned! I was so happy I bought four pancakes; one for each of us. Of course, Yau Neih wanted pork buns from the Pork 'n' Taters Lady, so I had to eat two pancakes. I'll be back to size in no time. ;)