Thursday, June 29, 2006

Man zao

Well, the mien bao che taking us to the airport arrives in four hours and we're nigh ready to go. Amazing. This week has gone well. Almost too well. One cynically wonders what disasters will strike on the way home. A night spent sleeping on an airport floor? Lost luggage? Lost children? Terrorist hijackers? (We could be lucky and they'd only want the plane diverted to Cuba.)(Remember when the cliché was that the hijackers wanted to go to Cuba? Who would've thought those were the good ol' days?)

As far as my presentation woes--they're history. On Tuesday night we went to dinner at the home of another mei guo family. Not only were we able to successfully test our computer and cable on their TV, but they also let us use their advanced Mac equipment to export the presentation to all sorts of formats. I now have a strong lust to get a copy of Keynote, if for no other reason than it fixes the limitations I endured with Appleworks. Guess I better keep an eye peeled for that leprechaun.

Anyway, the journey begins and by Tuesday night I hope to be at my mother-in-law's place in Tacoma, heading out to catch the fireworks. Unless I'm so jet-lagged that I'm asleep by 7:00....