Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Stadium potatoes


What a week! All of my family (with the exception of my brother-in-law) came to town to visit us last week, since we couldn't head to Chicago. It was a great time, but we were so busy I had no chance to write. Even Sunday, after they had all left, all I could do was nap.

But I'm not writing about that. What I want to write about is the baseball game we went to last night. The wife and her sister are great baseball fans, having grown up in a minor league town in an era when free, sponsored tickets were abundant. Their faithful attendance has been reduced in these adult years. They usually only have time to take in only two games a season nowadays. This year it'll probably only be one--the one we attended last night. The Tacoma Rainiers vs. some dudes from Oklahoma.

Normally we don't go to Tacoma for ball games. Our home team is the Everett Aquasox. The caliber of baseball isn't as good, but single A baseball is cheaper than AAA Tacoma. (not to mention those millionaires in Seattle) It's more fun, too. I'm not a big baseball fan, so for me the between inning promotions are an essential part of the night out. Everett has lots of promotions--people like you or me tossing beanbags or racing shopping carts. It's kind of stupid, but kind of fun. Last night in Tacoma, they had promotions, too. However, nobody did anything. You had some gal on the field, speaking over the loudspeaker, saying that so-and-so had just one an upgrade to some company's box seat. Hoo-hah. I'm sure it was very exciting for the winners and I'm happy for them and all that, but to see them do nothing but sit there was, well, boring. I mean, can't I even have the satisfaction of seeing them earn their prize, by making fools of themselves? What's the use of paying horribly inflated concession prices if we're not going to be entertained? No wonder they took baseball out of the Olympics.