Saturday, January 20, 2007

Low tech

Originally uploaded by Yuek Hahn.
Technology doesn't like me today. Not only is the internet still sluggish, but today when we went hiking I forgot to bring my digital camera. Through a strange coincidence, however, I did bring along my other camera--a completely manual 35mm Retina. It was a gift from my father, a replacement for the first Retina he gave me which was ripped off a few years back. (The previous camera was one he had bought back in the 50s. Of all the things we lost in that burglary, the Retina was the one I missed the most.) So I was able to snap a few shots as we walked along the irrigation ditch south of town. It was kind of weird. The old camera is heavier and I had to remember to adjust my F-stops for each shot. Fortunately I was snapping landscapes, so I didn't have to set the focus. I think it's been over five years since I switched my primary camera over to a point and shoot model. (Of course, being here across the seas and taking more than pictures of my kids, I've been longing for my old Nikon.) Anyway, it'll be interesting to see how the shots I took today compare to the digital shots I snapped along this route last year. (Such as today's featured photo.) Of course, first I have to finish the roll and get the film processed. Sigh. I've gotten so spoiled....