When darkness falls
Oh, one more thing about our night in Hongyuan. Our hosts dropped us off for the night and we started getting ready for bed. Suddenly, the lights went out! We peeked outside and saw that the whole building was out, not just our room. A minute later, a hotel employee showed up with a couple of candles. We thought about just brushing our teeth and jumping into bed when Gail and her father showed up. I might have misunderstood them, but it sounded like this was a regular occurrence, that the whole town is blacked out at 9:00 pm or so. Indeed, when I went out onto the balcony and looked out, the whole town was dark. If I understood correctly and the whole town was regularly blacked out, I am amazed that such a thing could occur. Back in the States, I have a tendency to think of electricity as a right. having my power withheld for whatever reason would take some adjustment. On the other hand, it would make for good stargazing. The sky overhead that night was gorgeous. Unfortunately, the folks at the hotel soon cranked up a generator and the view was lost in the courtyard lights.
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