Sunday, January 28, 2007

Recipe from the east

Originally uploaded by Yuek Hahn.
Here's the recipe for making expatriate homeschooler's hard tack:

* 1/2 cup flour
* 3/8 teaspoon salt
* Enough water to make thick dough

Mix ingredients in a small bowl. Coat one small plate with a bit of vegetable oil. Form dough into two small cakes on the plate. Put plate into microwave oven. Set the temperature to high and the timer for ten minutes to attempt to mimic the results of slow baking in a conventional oven. Go into the next room and start another lesson. Come running back into the kitchen after 7-8 minutes when you notice the clouds of smoke pouring from the microwave. Open the windows, turn on the vent fan and remove plate from the microwave.

Serves 2. (If they don't mind eating the few bits around the edges that haven't been turned to charcoal.)