Friday, February 02, 2007

Situation normal

Well, the Internet is fixed. So now I can do my taxes and blog about it. The blogging part didn't go quite so smoothly, though. My attempts to log in and create posts were
dreadfully slow. (I was able to find out what my post by e-mail address was, so the next time an earthquake busts the cable, I'll be able to post without having to post an inappropriate photo.) I finally asked Ga Dai to log in to her blog--as she had already switched over to the new Blogger--and she had no problems. So I finally broke down and converted. It only took me two tries. I don't know where the problem lay. Did Blogger move all of their old Blogger pages to an old Quadra they pulled out of the closet to use as a server? Or was my problems with old Blogger due to one of those little glitches that China Telcom was still working on? I'll probably never know. Ah, well. This new Blogger looks nifty enough. And now perhaps I can get caught up with my book review backlog.

So, um, now I've got to write about something. ... Uhhhhhh, let me get back to you on that.