Monday, August 07, 2006

Buy it!

Well, it's August and I still haven't had any reverse culture shock moments to share with the world. The closest i've noticed recently is the advertising. A few months back, as I was walking down the street, surrounded by signs I could not read, I told myself that it would be nice to be literate again when I returned to the States. Well, I've returned and am now literate once again. You know what? When it comes to walking down the street, literacy is overrated. (Actually, now that I'm in America, I'm driving down the street again, but that's another post.) I'm surrounded by all sorts of messages, but most of them are just junk. Buy this! Believe that! Go here! Blah, blah, blah. Maybe I had it good, back in China. I could just appreciate the mysterious characters and not be troubled by the inanities of the latest fruit drink or housing development. Of course, once I get to the public library and see all the books I can read, the ads seem like a small price to pay for being literate...