Thursday, September 14, 2006

Practical math

We had a real difficult lesson in homeschooling yesterday. For this week in math, Siu Wan is practicing calculating with money. One of the aids we use in this are take out menus from various restaurants. We learned three things. One is that our workbook is out of date. One problem from this book from 2000 states that you have $12 to take your cousin and little brother out for lunch. The little brother is included to give the student practice in saving money from the children's menu. Fortunately, Siu Wan is also young enough to order from the children's menu. Even by upping the limit to $18, she had to borrow 77 cents from her cousin to pay for the proverbial lunch. Of course, they went to Applebee's instead of Herfy's Hamburgers, which makes a difference. She was able to order a meal for herself for under $5 at Herfy's. That was the second lesson. The more fancy the take out menu, the more pricey the meals. The third lesson is that nobody except Herfy's lists the costs of sodas on their menu. Is that because, as my wife says, most people ordering out already have drinks at home? Or is it that they assume that since people have the big bucks for this haute cuisine, they don't even need to consider the costs of the drinks? Beats me. At least I know my daughter's getting a good education. Though it was painful to have to be reminded of chocolate shakes.